Monday, March 21, 2011

Suck palm

Listening to the voice sounded in my mind, Xiao Yan blinked his eyes and slight, implied the little chin.

Did not immediately pick up the piece of black iron, Xiao Yan throw light thrown magic hands stained with blood stained the green crystal, directed at the one who looks after street vendors some Zeimeishuyan mercenary man laughed: "This is what World of Warcraft's magic crystal? "

"Hey, sir good eyesight, this is the first order of Warcraft Fox swallowing magic wood grain, in the first-order magic crystal, which can be regarded as Need for, in order to get While this magic crystal, we have canine mercenary group, you can keep a full three days, killing five wood swallow Fox before they can obtain such a ... "to see the extraordinary clothing Xiao-yan, that mercenary men were quickly introduced the earnest.

"If the young master took a fancy to the words, just five hundred gold coins like, hey, in order to swallow wood fox hunting, and we have several brothers suffered light injuries do not ..."

Xiao Yan finger paint on the paint on the magic crystal bloodshot, bloodshot has not completely solidified it was found, slightly nodded his head, glanced at each other on the chest, two of Venus, casual: "The more expensive, generally a magic crystal price, only four hundred to four hundred and fifty or so, and swallow wood fox though is World of Warcraft, but not too much offensive power, those players you will not even fight to level failed to reach it? "

Mouth pumped pumping, mercenary man, hollow laugh of the two, apparently did not expect it before the boy turned to the market and the World of Warcraft is so understanding, the moment had to ridicule: "The four hundred and seventy bar, no less, after all, our brothers have to live not ... "

"Oh ..." disturbed man in the eyes of the mercenary sighed, Xiao Yan stooped, poking in a while paving, just iron that was among strange, raised his hands one thing: " four hundred and seventy, with it ... "

Xiao-yan in the hands of the eyes on the tricky moves over items, mercenary man quietly relieved, but fortunately, things are cheap ...


Readily throw a small bag of gold coins, Xiao Yan apart from anything else, pick up the thing turned away ...

"Hey, little inflammation son, a good thing, but also so careful to buy things." Instant turn around, joking in the heart of the old drug with a smile.

"These guys are the profiteers, as long as what you saw the performance of the favorite moves, it increases the horse shot, I do not want to be taken advantage of ..." in the hearts of plain Huileyiju, Xiao-yan no longer control ring in the eccentric old man, accompanied children smoked, leisurely visiting the Crescent City, and then slowly returned to the family among the ...

And Kaoru separated children in the family hands, Xiao Yan edgy channeling back to their house, and then carefully shut doors and windows ...

Looking back, looking out of the drugs that do not know when the old, Xiao Yan pulled out from her purchase of drugs and magic crystal, and some urgent: "The things that have got out, but also how to get?"

Hey old drugs smile, eyes sweeping the sweep table random material, suddenly said: "Do not you see that Iron tablets it?"

"Uh?" Xiao Yan surprised a moment, then rushed out immediately rocket Iron tablets, read it again carefully up and down, frowning: "This thing do?"

Easily take over the old iron medicine, laughed: "This is the inside, seems to exist a kind of fighting skills, but the manufacture of iron smelting who is also a pharmacist may, therefore, the iron, only the soul of the person perception extraordinary be sensitive to. "

"Fighting skills?" Wen Yan, Xiao Yan eyes light up, quickly asked: "What level?"

Fighting skills on the mainland in the grudge, the emphasis, no better than a small bucket Qigong method, an advanced fighting skills, the time to people in the battle to play out far more than their own tyrannical power.

Fighting skills and exercises in general, can be divided into four Xuan Huang world order, handed down in the public sectors of the mainland fighting skills, at most, only a yellow high-order about a number of high level fighting skills, only to go to some college or sect, we can be .

Of course, the grudge is extremely vast continent, and the total number of previous fighting skills, for various reasons, lost and left behind, was finally obtained in a lucky person, and now the Iron Xiao Yan received film, is perhaps one of the previous The bar down the left ...

Drug old rolled iron plates, after a moment had just laughed and said: "suck palm: Hyun-order low!"

"Hyun-order low?" Little face micro hi, Xiao-yan did not expect this casual bought naughty baggage, even a mysterious hidden order is also fighting skills, you know, his family, the maximum depth of the fighting skills, has only been is a mysterious middle-order, and that there are only a few chiefs and elders are eligible to learn.

"Suck palm: refining to the culmination of stone can be extremely heavy smoke, if Yudi, Kuangmeng suction, can human blood, pulled by force!"

"Pulled the body the blood?" Surprised face, Xiao Yan swallowed, and some astonishment: "It ... was amazing, right? If the blood from the body, who can survive?"

"This thing of course can only deal with the same level or lower than your opponent, if the experience stronger than you, people directly leveraging the close, unlucky, or do you ..." veteran iron random drug lost over, faint The road, it seems he's fighting skills in this evaluation is not high.

Medicine is always the big names, natural vision high, Xiao-yan in the eyes, which advanced fighting skills, but, ah, overjoyed to pick up the current Iron tablets and smiles: "In any case, this absorption is better than the palm family, those of ordinary fighting skills better than many, after studying it ... "

"Laugh, the three paragraphs on your bucket of gas, can pick up a branch is very great, want to suck human blood ..." shook his head, medicine and old curl one's lip.

Rolled eyed, Xiao-yan also Landelikuai this strange old man, holding his iron hey laugh.

"Look at your appearance, a mysterious order low-level fighting skills put your fans like this is really a shame ..." reluctantly shook his head, grabbed the old drugs magic crystal table, facing Xiao-yan told: "go find yourself to a large basin of water. "

Looked at the old drugs seems to be started, and Xiao Yan quickly received good Iron tablets, Pidianpidian ready to go ...

... ...

Quiet room among drug bluegrass and old left hand pick up the purple leaf, narrowing his eyes slightly, after a moment, gentle breath, left palm on top, some were white flame, Teng suddenly shoved out ...

Flame emerging, cubicles, the temperature is increased a lot.

Blinking eye blink also staring at that group of white flame, Xiao Yan mind that some shock, although he clearly refining process of refining drugs pharmacists, but this vindictive putting, into real, even his own father, it can not do to ah ...

Face lightly, medicine and old hands of the white flame a little thump, bluegrass will eat purple leaf growing on them ... flame billowing, purple leaf bluegrass almost instantaneously, that is burned to a small group of green liquid ...

Right hand once again grabbed a purple leaf bluegrass, directly thrown into the white flame ...

All three strains of bluegrass will be thrown into the purple, the green liquid that group, obviously become much larger.

Green liquid, continue to creep in flames, hot temperature, which never stops burning the impurities ...

With the flame burning, more and more to a small green liquid, after a moment, even then only about the size of a thumb ...

Next, wash the medicine the old bones turn two flowers, thrown into the flames and put them in the calcination, the melt into the green liquid into ...

The next step is refining magic crystal ...

Three steps, a full lasted about an hour, and face the old drugs, but still full of energy, without the slightest sense of fatigue.

An hour later, hard magic crystal, which has been calcined into a mass of light green liquid, crystal magic inherent in the violent energy, is also wonderful herbal medicine to meet the old, washed away ...

Hand, the white flame subsides, and finally completely disappear.

Looking at the drug suspension at the drop of the old hands like a jade-like color of the liquid, Xiao Yan rub the hands together, the soul of extraordinary perception, so that was his clear sense how this liquid has plenty of energy ...

"The teacher, to such a dose of it?" Xiao Yan blinked, and some can not wait.

"Want to die right dose directly, with you askew context, immediately have to become a real waste." Xiao Yan a white, older drugs flexor flick, emerald liquid down into the room in the basin of water into , suddenly, a pot of clear water, that is, turned it into green.

"In the future, which in this practice, to practice your talent within a year, to seven sections, is not so difficult." Drug old clapped her hands and smiled.

Xiao Yan full of joy, quickly nodded.

"Oh, almost forgot, this medicine can only for two months, that is, you every two months, we still have to buy one of these things today." Medicine and old smiling Road.

Little face of a stiff, Xiao Yan nodded complained a bit.

"Grandma, this thing is really only the rich can afford ..."

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