Monday, March 28, 2011

At the second refining pharmacist Valley Nepal

Mill auction, auction sites houtain largest city, but also the richest part of the Empire Gama family: Mill family.

In Gama empire, to be on the rich, I am afraid Mill family is second to none.

Mill family history is long, has been developed in Gama Empire for hundreds of years time, the relationship can be described as complex, according to the grapevine, the rich were oil, family, and Gama seems to have a slightest relationship between the royal empire.

In the Empire, the Mill family and Nalan family, Intel called the Gama family and the Big Three, the three families in the empire business, military, and so the interface have the sound foreign interference, and power is quite substantial.

So, with such a strong family background Mill backing, even if the profits of the auction and then how the introduction of coveted, no one daring to fight their idea.

... ...

End of the street looking at the huge venue, Xiao-yan turned into a secluded alley, and then quickly to previously purchased the black cape robe draped over his body.

Gown to cover the huge, not only looks Yan Qu Xiao-yan, that is, even some thin young body is stuffed up and bloated, and now looks like Xiao Yan, I am afraid even smoked standing in front of children, but also hard to spot recognize ...

Cover a good physique, Xiao-yan That sigh of relief, which can not blame him too cautious, Killing fluid build this kind of thing, for some family influence is too attractive, after all, if the spirit who can produce such a large scale solution, that the strength of its young generation, it will be rapid growth, which for a family is undoubtedly the best catalytic drugs.

In order not to bring their own unnecessary trouble, Xiao-yan had to choose the sly ...

Cool hand touched the arms that some of the white bottle, Xiao Yan slowly out of the alley, and then facing the end of the street to go to the auction venue.

At the door, several heavily armed security guard's eyes, Xiao-yan straight into the non-stop pace.

Entered the club, that kind of hot feeling, is like being on top of stripping away from the body in general, cool feeling, people inside and outside the double-day kind of strange feeling.

Look at the magnificent sweep of the spacious hall, Xiao Yan walked toward the side of the house, the house door, bearing the golden "Kam Po Room," the three characters.

Comes into the room, some empty house, only one middle-aged man sitting in some boring chair at the table, heard the door sound, middle-aged man raised his head, looked at the whole body wrapped in a black robe in the shadows, implied the wrinkled brow, quickly pile on soon face a professional smile: "Sir, you are going to Kam Po it?"

"Ah." Under the black robe, I heard the hoarse voice of some of dry, floating pass out, turned out to be the voice of the old drug.

Xiao Yan came up two steps to hand out from her white jade bottle, gently on the table above.

"It is?" Puzzled eyes blinked, middle-aged man carefully picked up the white bottle, the nose sniffed at the bottle light, after a moment, his face slightly changed, and once again look to the eyes of Xiao-yan, more a hint of awe: "Adults are refining pharmacist?"

"Ah." Hoarse voice came again.

"Excuse me, this bottle ... What immortality? Them?" Heard the remark, middle-aged man asked again, Gong Sheng.

"Killing building fluid, can enhance the practice bucket of gas velocity, but only those who are fighting under use, to be effective."

"Oh? Can increase the speed practice bucket of gas?" Heard this, some middle-aged man moving, fighting the gas can only be law-abiding practice, all of which have become almost common sense, and practitioners at this stage the body is very context fragile, and once the drug too fast, it can be broken veins would be miserable fate of people getting killed ...

"I am spiritual solution, and no negative effects, the drug is also very mild, and will not cause the kind of results, you can rest assured." Seems to understand the hearts of middle-aged people are thinking, old voice slowly explained.

Once again face a change, middle-aged white jade bottle carefully back to the desktop, respectfully said: "Your honor, could you please wait a moment? I need to please our auctions over the valley of Nepal identify spiritual master of liquid!"

"Ah, hurry up." Wave of his hand, Xiao Yan is also welcome, to the side and sat down, and then eyes closed.

Middle-aged man quickly nodded, then hurried out of the room.

Sitting in a chair, Xiao Yan remained silent and did not open dialogue with the old drugs, here is someone else's site or the cautious good, who can guarantee that there is no spying or eavesdropping settings.

Stayed in the room after a long while, middle-aged man returned again, only this time, he also brought some white hair, Tsing Yi, a old man.

Look at the old man who sweep the sweep, the last stop at the old man's chest, where Venus was not painted, but painted a somewhat similar drug furnace things in medicine furnace surface, two silver ripples, shining Noble House Mountain.

"Your excellency, this is the auction of the Valley Nepal Masters, he was a big bucket Samsung Master! The same time, he is also refining a pharmacist at the second!" Gong Sheng introduced the middle-aged.

Listening to the old man behind this identity, Xiao-yan, under the brow cloak subconscious pick pick, this is the first time he met outside the old drugs in addition to refining pharmacists, the moment could not help but thin looked at each other.

Old man face red, Tsing Yi, though seemingly ordinary body, but it has a faint light flow, obviously, this clothes, what should be blessing magic crystal protection, ordinary old head on, with a touch can not hide the pride, which are each A pharmacist must refining things.

Xiao Yan looked at each other at the same time, implied the valley of Nepal is also glanced at the former, refining pharmacist who is not fighting, this thing is a casual, all will be vying to win over any force, so in looking at the valley of Nepal when the heart is also secretly wondering Xiao Yan's identity.

Middle-aged man carefully picked up from the table, Yu Ping, and then handed the Valley Nepal ...

Took the white jade bottle, sniffed the sense of light fragrance of Nepal valley odor, old eyes squint slightly, blinking eye pupil slightly, slightly oblique mouth, a small drop of blue liquid, from which rolled out slowly, and then suspended in the Valley Nigerian palm of the Department.

Blue eyes firmly fixed on the liquid, double that of a folder Valley Nepal, a silver needle in the fingers, needle above, slightly suffused with a grudge and fluctuations in the liquid being quietly into his blue, and light Light stir ...

With the needle of the agitation, his face gradually from the Niger valley transformed into a dignified calm, a moment later, will be incorporated into the alabaster flask of green liquid in his eyes once again down the time when Xiao Yan, proud face, Duoliaoyifen respect middle-aged man turned to Chen Sheng said: "Ling solution has been reached at the second level of immortality, the adults have said, no fake!"

Heard this, middle-aged big sigh of relief, facing the hot cut Xiao laughed: "adults, you are going to auction this spirit medium it?"

"Ah, can I arrange the auction fastest time?"

"Oh, that natural is no problem, adults you hold it to the One auction room, there is still just an auction, your spirit fluid, will be sold!" Middle-aged man with a smile, handing me a piece of dark Tiepai .

"Ah." Readily took Tiepai, Xiao-Yan does not stop, directly in the eyes of the two, the line out of the room.

"Valley Nepal Masters, he was a pharmacist refining it?" Looked at Xiao Yan disappeared, middle-aged This whisper inquired.

"Ah, indeed, a refining pharmacist, a keen sense of the soul of perception, can not go wrong ..." Valley Nepal nodded his head, immediately frowned, and some doubts himself: "But which side he is refining forces Pharmacist? when heard out of a city houtain to the immortality of the refining refining at the second pharmacist ah? "

"Need to investigate what he comes from?" Middle-aged man whispered.

Nepal Valley, blind old eyes slightly, a little think about, and slightly shook his head: "do not start, refining pharmacists temper quirky, if the investigation had caught his attention, I am afraid he will get a bad impression of the auction, free to offend do not know the level of a pharmacist mixing the mystery, is not what a wise move. "

Turned his head, glanced at the middle-aged, Valley Nepal faint: "How to make him feel good to us, you should know how to do it?"

"Oh, see."

"Remember, if not good job, that's million, not to offend, or else ..." drop a hint of some of the cold words, Google Nepal drifted away.

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