Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Kazamaki decision

Led by a maid, Xiao-Yan walked into the auction is being held.

One into which the surrounding environment is bright and dim down, bursts of noise, poured into the ears straight overwhelming, so be quiet Xiao Hei Yan large wrinkled brow.

Auction lot, to accommodate thousands of people are not difficult, at this time, a central location in the auction under the lights, dressed in a red dress, a beautiful woman, is charming with that dumb people get some of the fascinatingly beautiful sound of the bones as Interpretation of the venue all items in the feature set.

In the women's sweetly dumb crisp, the fact that parts do not count the price of items curious, is a fiery speed climbing.

Find a remote location, Xiao Yanan quiet and sat down, staring across the field of the beautiful woman, with his eyesight, can see this in nature most people are coming for her.

Mitel chief auctioneer auction: Ya-Fei, houtain City almost known to everybody in the beauty, the sense of feminine style matured, so have a lot of men sat down at her feet under.

Xiao Yan meditation, his brow wrinkled suddenly large, micro Pianguo Tou, looking at their seats not far from one of the men hidden in the dark at this time, the man is looking at the stage of hot eyes Ya-Fei, cherry red pair of hands from the joint between the mouth slightly and continuously in the body create a sensation with ...

"I rely on!" Uttered muffled, Xiao-Yan Meng under the cloak turned over the dirty looks, this guy is too tough, right.

Heart Mamalielie, Xiao Yan quickly away some place, some smile and shook his head, looking down the high-profile again, looking at that beautiful red dress and exquisite woman plump curves in a low voice whispered: "fairy."

View random items in the hands of the Ya-Fei sweep of the sweep, Xiao-yan is to lose the interest, he can not waste so much money to buy a thing back, even if the auction it was a beautiful woman, looking away from the woman and then slowly moving the auction hall.

"Uh ... father?" Suddenly the meal moving eyes, Xiao Yan Piaoxian position sitting on the front of a middle-aged man, the moment could not help but look of surprise and strange: "Is the father also be interested in this woman?"

Crazy idea exists only in the ambiguity of her life is to be abandoned because of Xiao Yan found that the eyes of his father, who has not stopped at the Ya-Fei, a look of calm, seems to be waiting for something.

"My father came here to do?" Heart muttered a cry, Xiao Yan eyes and sweep, but it is some dismay, found that two other par with the Xiao family, added to the family, Obama family, the two chiefs in this Department.

"There is something about the auction attracts them!" Mind one, brow Qingtiao the pick, Xiao Yan touched the nose and some curiosity, what exactly is the patriarch of the family actually gave the three attracted to it?

... ...

Have to say, this woman called the Ya-Fei Chen is a mobilization of the atmosphere of the players, and her smiles, all will have to market to a burst of illness under the price soared, and every time, this woman will be facing price increases The Department sent charming smile, suddenly, the price had also Routeng person, Lima full of energy.

The atmosphere of the venue, in this charming woman's Yanzui chuckle, the always maintained a climax.

"Oh, you, just as the auction received a new auction thing, I think, everyone will be interested." End of the hands of the auction items, Ya-Fei suddenly smiling Road, the hand wave, a servant quickly end a jade plate, jade disk with a small bottle.

"This is the second product immortality." Real estate broker carefully picked up the white bottle, Ya-Fei Chen's charming voice, so that was a slight static auction, after a moment, amidst the noise suddenly rang a grudge over the mainland, the most something sought after by others, that is, by refining the various refining pharmacists immortality.

"This thing FuturArc Killing fluid, only to fight those people under the effective use of this spiritual body fluid soaked practice, allowing those who are fighting under the people, practice speed! Oh, if you want your Young children and grandchildren to become a genius, it can not let go Oh. "seductive red lips slightly open, spit out the crisp tired sweetly, so that was all bones, some numb inside.

"Killing fluid building? Actually increased the speed bucket of gas in practice? Miss Ya-Fei, who at that stage, it seems that it can not withstand the impact of immortality?" Although the Ya-Fei really beautiful enchanting, but there are some calm in the field people, a little silence, is the one to ask questions.

"Oh, this spiritual solution through our auction in person identification master Nepal valley, is at the second-order goods will not be a problem, you can rest assured." Ya-Fei laughed.

Listening to the person identified by the master of Nepal Valley, the venue of the voice suddenly much smaller, everyone knows, Google is at the second refining master Nepal pharmacists, the houtain City, even to see him three family patriarch, did not dare the slightest neglect.

Xiao Yan was relaxed against the chair on top, looking at the warm atmosphere inside, my heart could not help but sigh of relief, it seems this building Killing fluid, should be able to bring their own is not a small harvest, implied the shift eyes to his father, but found that his face seemed suddenly excited again.

A little surprised a moment, and seems to think of what some of Xiao Yan touched my heart.

"Oh, Ling eight thousand gold price in the initial solution, please from now!" Ya-Fei with laughs, eyes move in a circle in the presence of, and finally stopped at the top of the three sitting on the family patriarch who, her heart clearly , the three, is the main character of competition.

"Eight thousand five!" Ya-Fei, then just drop the price is someone shouted.

"Nine thousand!" Increase the voice followed.

... ...

Prices continue to churn inside, just a moment of time, already to the height of thirteen thousand.

Xiao Yan's father, although some excited face, but he did not immediately outcry, micro eyes closed, waiting for the end of those Shrimps in or disrupt.

Continued fighting for another moment, the sound is weak down finally, at the same time, sitting side by side with war Hsiao an old man, but it is light out loud: "twenty thousand!"

Bid a fall, the venue is quiet down the sound, some people looked at the old man blankly, only frustration and sat back, they can not power and processing to the family quarrel.

"Hey, to add complete, your son is not have to enter the fight to begin? How can they call this the idea of ​​building solution-based Spirit?" A middle-aged man, turned around and He is tightlipped about the road.

"Aoba Pa, I give my future grandchildren not to buy it?" Added to complete obviously not the way this middle-aged man, directly sneered.

"That's so you have to have that good fortune, maybe one day your son was cut short lifeline ..." my heart uttered a curse, Aoba Pa is open shouted: "twenty-three thousand!"

"Twenty-five thousand!"

... ...

Less than ten minutes, everyone in the pit in the eyes of amazement, even as the two fierce dogs snatch general, the price of a bare stage carried three bits.

"Forty!" Turn a blind eye in the war Hsiao, suddenly silent.

Karma Ran a quiet room, all eyes are suddenly shifted to the war Hsiao body, even that Aoba Pa and add complete, and it was him that a sudden high prices to the shock of the earthquake.

"Hey, Xiao Ling patriarch seems this solution is built based high aspirations ah." Added to complete laughed.

Xiao war glanced at him, faint: "You want it, grab that offer, I will never talk to."

Added to complete the nerve flick, seems to be thinking about the true and false remark Hsiao war, after a moment, he shook his head, his aim is that this thing, not the spirit that built the base fluid, and now spend money indiscriminately Undoubtedly, the decision is unwise.

Ao Mapa other side to see added to complete pull back, but also shrugged his shoulders, though an attractive solution Killing building, but also not his goal, so, to withdraw.

"Xiao war chiefs bid forty gold, can also increase?" Looking at the quiet field, Ya-Fei smiled.

"Since no increase, and that this spirit of building the base fluid, the patriarch will be purchased by the Shaw and the next war!" To see no one answered, Ya-Fei is just leave in the hands of small hammer, gently tap on the table is the set of buyers.

Of the remote, Xiao Yan some dumbfounding, So now, even blackmail to his father, went to the head.

"Oh, here is the pressure of the bottom of the auction auction!" Will accept Yuping, Ya-Fei wave of the hand, the light is dim the high platform down, slightly bent over, took out a silver plate from Taichung, Among the galactic disk, with a roll of blue ancient scroll.

Scroll slightly reddish glaucoma, in the backdrop of the galactic disk, is quite mysterious.

"Higher-order power law Hyun: Kazamaki decision!"

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