Sunday, March 6, 2011

Continental grudge

Months, such as silver, sky stars.

Summit of the cliff, Xiao-yan lay on the grass slope above the mouth of a grass Diao, slightly chewing action and let the subtle bitterness in the mouth and spread out to ...

Raised some white hand, stand in front of his eyes through the finger gap, looking at the sky on a huge silver moon was round.

"Oh ..." remember the afternoon of testing, Xiao Yan sigh a sigh of relief, withdraw idle hands, his hands looked on the head, eyes in a trance ...

"Fifteen years of it ..." muffled sound from Nan, suddenly there is no marginal Qingtu from the juvenile out of the mouth.

Xiao Yan's mind, there is a secret only he knows: he was not the person in this world, or, Xiao-yan of the soul, not of this world, he comes from a blue planet called Earth, as Why come here after such a bizarre, he can not explain, but after some time in life, he came to understand hindsight: He crossed!

With the age of the continent, Xiao-yan also have some vague idea of ...

Continental called the grudge continent, the continent is not common in novels of magic faculties, and vindictiveness, the main theme is the only continent!

In this continent, the grudge of the practice, almost in the efforts of countless generations, the development to the peak point, and because of the continuous proliferation of vindictiveness, and even spread to people, and that this has also led, vindictive, and human daily life, become closely linked, so the importance of vindictiveness in the mainland, it is becoming irreplaceable!

Because of the extreme proliferation of vindictiveness, but also result in differentiated from the main line out of the myriad vindictive practice of the law, are the length of the so-called hand, differentiation of the law practice out of vindictiveness, naturally strong or weak.

After induction of Statistics, the continent will fight a grudge level Qigong method, high to low order twelve is divided into four: days. To. Mysterious. Yellow!

And each band was divided into early, middle and high levels!

Cultivation of high and low level fighting Qigong method, but also the key to deciding the level of achievement, such as Gong practitioners mysterious middle-order man, the natural order than the advanced features yellow practice law on the same level of people a bit stronger.

Grudge the mainland, arguing strength, depending on three conditions.

First of all, the most important, of course, its own strength, if the stars themselves were only one level of strength, that even if you practice the day of the rare high-order power law, a practice that is difficult to overcome the struggle Huang Gong-order division.

Second, is the Gong! The same level of strong, if your exercises to advanced level than many of the other party, then the test of time, many advantages, one touch knows is.

The last, called fighting skills!

As the name implies, this is a special skill to play a grudge, fighting skills on the mainland, also have a hierarchy, in general, is also divided into four World Yuen Wong.

Continental grudge fighting skills are numerous, but most of the popular fighting skills out of the public, most are just yellow or so, want to get more advanced fighting skills, they must join the sect, or vindictiveness on the mainland college.

Of course, some rely on adventure down the left by the previous exercises, or have their own fighting skills to match, this Evolution of the Gong out of the fighting skills complement each other up, more power to some.

Rely on these three conditions, contracting parties to the weak what the strong exactly what, in general, if we can fight with the high level of qigong method, future benefits, self-evident ...

Senior vindictive Gong practitioners, however difficult to get ordinary people, spread in the general class of power law, at most, only a yellow-order power law, some of the more powerful faction of family or small, should have mysterious Order of the practice of law, such as where the family of Xiao Yan, most top exercises, only the patriarch is eligible to practice: the Kuangshi anger Gang, this is a wind properties, and is fighting mysterious order intermediate qigong method.

Hyun-order above is in order, but this highly successful method, may be only those transcendent power and empire, had just may have ...

The day order ... have not been there for hundreds of years.

In theory, ordinary people want access to advanced exercises, is basically impossible and, however, no absolute thing, vindictive continent a vast territory, the families lined the mainland to the north, there is known as the mighty, can be fit with the animal spirit The barbarians, south of the mainland, there are a variety of extraordinarily high IQ family of high-level World of Warcraft, more famous for that to strange Yinhen race so dark ...

Because of the vast region, there are many unknown unknown hermit in life come to an end, the patience of their eccentric, perhaps created by his life work method will be hidden somewhere, waiting to take a nice ring to it, the grudge and the mainland, a popular saying: if one day you dropped a cliff, falling cave, do not panic, take two steps forward, perhaps, you will become strong!

His words, not be false, China almost a thousand years of history, does not become a pan that rely on the strong adventure story.

The consequences of this story is created in such a large number of cliff every day, ready to be jumping the pregnant masterpiece Gong people dream, of course, most of them are broken arm and broken leg to return ...

In short, this is a miracle, and miracles of the mainland!

Of course, you want to practice a grudge Cheats, at least those who become a real struggle, the had just qualified, but now separated from that distance Xiao-yan, it seems still a distant ...

"Pooh." Spit out the mouth of the roots, Xiao Yan suddenly jumped up, face grim, gaffe against the night sky growled: "I am your grandmother in the grass, to labor through to when the waste to play? Grass!"

In the past life, Xiao Yan is an extremely mediocre ordinary beings a member, money, beauty, and he does these things is two parallel lines never cross point, however, when came to this continent after the grudge, Xiao Yan is pleasantly surprised, because the two world experience, his soul, even stronger than the common people of many!

You know, the grudge the mainland, the soul is born, perhaps it can slightly increase with age and become strong, can never do any exercises to practice the soul alone, even days, order power law, it is impossible! This is a grudge mainland common sense.

Strengthening of the soul, but also bring out the talent cultivation Xiao-yan, the same, but also created the name of his genius.

When an ordinary mediocre person, knowing that he has become the capital of attention after so many people, if anyone, is not enough, it is difficult to grasp the original mind, it is clear, the past lives of ordinary people just Hsiao-yen, and there is no such superhuman powers of concentration, so he began to practice in the bucket of gas, he chose to become the subject of attention of the genius of the road, rather than as a gradual growth in silence!

If there is no accident, then, Xiao-yan may really be able to withstand the longer the name of the first great genius, but, unfortunately, in the eleven years old, the name of genius, deprived of sudden changes gradually away, and genius , also in a night, reduced waste into passers-by laughed at the mouth!

... ...

After a few voices in the roar, Xiao Yan is the mood slowly subsided, and his face again on a weekday lonely, to do with this point, no matter how furious he is practicing hard Wan Buhui the cyclone from the bucket.

Bitter shook his head, Xiao Yan fact, some aggrieved mind, after all, his own body what exactly happened, but also do not know all, daily checks, but did not find nothing wrong there, soul, and with increasing age, but also increasingly The more powerful, and the rate of absorption of the gas bucket compared to the peak a few years ago the state but also on a bit strong, These conditions are that your talent never diminished, may be those of the gas into the body of the bucket, they are nothing but the disappearance of an all-clean, strange situation, so too sorry for Xiao-yan ...

A sad sigh, raised his hands Xiao Yan, a black ring on your finger, the ring was very simple, I do not know any material Two Birds, which also draw on some vague lines, which is the mother gave him before she died The only gift from the age of four, he has worn for ten years, the mother's possessions, so it was Xiao Yan also has a nostalgic ring fingers gently stroked, Xiao Yan smile: "In recent years, really live up to the expectations of the mother ... "

Deep breath, Xiao Yan suddenly turn too far, facing the warm dark woods laughed: "Father, you come?"

Although only three paragraphs bucket of gas, but the soul of Xiao Yan perception, Que Shibi to be sensitive to a lot of those five stars, in the previous talk about his mother, he sensed the slightest movement in the woods.

"Oh, Yan children, so late, how it has stayed above it?" The woods, in the quiet for a moment, heard the concerns of men laugh.

While branches sway, a middle-aged man jumped out with a smile on the face and stared at his son was standing in the moonlight.

Middle-aged man dressed in gray clothes and luxury, Dragon Tiger quite a bit between the dignified step, his face is a pair of bushy eyebrows add a bit of its pride, he is the current patriarch Xiao, Xiao Yan is also the father of five-star big fight division, Xiao fight!

"Father, you do not have yet break it?" Looking middle-aged man, Xiao Yan thicker smile on the face one minute, although he has a past life memory, but since birth, his father was in front of their own loved every means in their dire straits, the pet increased rather than decreased, so acts, it is to be willing to call him Xiao Yan gave father.

"Yan child, still want to test the afternoon of things?" Big step forward, Xiao war laughs.

"Oh, what really want to, and expected it." Xiao Yan precocious shook his head, a smile is some reluctance.

"Oh ..." Xiao Yan was still looking at some innocent handsome face, Xiao war sigh, silent for a moment, suddenly said: "Yan children, you're fifteen, right?"

"Ah, my father."

"Another year, it seems ... in relation to the rites of passage ..." The war Hsiao smile.

"Yes, father, one year!" Palm of your hand slightly tight, Xiao Yanping quiet back road, the ceremony on behalf of any adult, he naturally is very clear, as long as through the rites of passage, it does not practice his potential, it will be Court was canceled into a grudge fight Qigong method to find the qualifications, which was assigned to the family throughout the industry among some ordinary things for the family care, which is family, clan rules, even if his father was the patriarch, it can not change!

After all, if before the twenty-year-old who did not become a struggle, it will not be recognized by the family!

"I'm sorry, and inflammation of children, if you fight in a year reach the seven sections of the gas, then the father had reluctantly assigned to your family's estate to go, after all, the family, but not the father of one said calculation, those few old guy, it can be wrong at any time waiting for my father ... "looked calm Xiao Yan, Xiao war sighs some apologetic.

"Father, I will work hard, and a year later, I will get seven segment bucket of gas!" Xiao Yan comforted smile.

"One year, four? Oh, if it is past, and perhaps maybe, but not the slightest chance now ... basic ..." While the mouth to comfort his father, but Xiao Yan mind is self-deprecating smile again.

Bottom line is also very clear Xiao Xiao Yan war, they can only be uttered with a sigh, he knew that bucket of gas a year practicing how difficult four paragraphs, light patted his head, suddenly smiled and said: "It's getting late, go back rest, tomorrow, the family had guests, you can not lose the gift. "

"Guests? Who?" Xiao-yan asked, curious.

"Tomorrow will know." Facing winked Xiao Yan, Xiao war laugh away, leaving the helpless Xiao Yan.

"Rest assured, my father, I will do my best!" Touched on the ancient ring finger, Xiao Yan rise muttered.

Xiao-yan that the rise in the Verge, the ancient ring finger in the black, but it is suddenly very weak light a touch of strange haoguang, haoguang blink then passed away, did not cause anyone noticed ...

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