Thursday, April 21, 2011

Xiao Yu

A family want to keep enduring, the most important is the need to maintain the vitality and energy source, is the family's younger generation, they are family, fresh blood, only the continuous influx of fresh blood, as This family of National Taiwan University, machinery, in order to maintain the operation time.

Therefore, the adult ceremony, is extremely important for each family, the big day, Xiao, also no exception.

One of the three families as houtain City, Xiao adult ceremony attracted the city is naturally the concern of all forces, some of the forces of a friendly, but also directly invited to participate in the ceremony held in an adult.

... ...

Kaoru accompanied children sitting under the shade trees, cool breeze, cool and comfortable.

Xiao-Yan Micro-looking away games in his eyes that huge table, stand by the giant tree Suozhu, is the adult to hold the ceremony and had built the site.

Xiao Yan eyes in the open sweep of the sweep stage, immediately transferred to the wooden platform below the forces from all those people, but unfortunately the softly said: "People really over ..."

Xiao-yan that some depressed looking at the little face, knowing he was pleased that children suddenly quiet smoked out some gloating chuckle.

Laughter just export, smoked child is aware of Xiao Yan ferocious sight, the moment quickly closed mouth, eyes sweeping the sweep in his possession, Autumn Mouzhong imperceptible passing a pale golden light, and some unexpected Johnson smiles: "Xiao Yan brother to eight out of gas a bucket?"

Wen Yan, Xiao-Yan oblique glance at her, together with the Zheni Zi, it seems that everything could not conceal, their angst with a sigh, nodded weakly.

"Gee ... less than in January, to break through the eighth paragraph, this rate ... horrible." Nodding to see Xiao-yan, smoked around the children of the calm is not surprised by the Lian Lu.

White at her, Xiao-yan cast a glance his eyes suddenly moving meal, near the giant tree in the direction of Taiwan, a woman dressed in red skirt the enchanting, Xi Qiao Xiaoyan are talking to people, under the full red dress exquisite package body, indeed, the very sultry, this time in her side, has been around a lot of people, the audience has become the most popular circles.

The room is full of laugh wit the red dress woman mature charm, it had seen the Mill Xiao-yan, chief auctioneer auction Ya-Fei.

Askew look like a water snake in random waist on the general sweep of the sweep, Xiao Yan heart secretly sighed: "It's a Need!"

Xiao-yan in the eyes of the body remain in the Ya-Fei, the girl beside him was suddenly heard muffled hum.

"Oh ..." the eyes blinked, Xiao Yan implied the recovery of sight, facing little face lightly smoked children laughed: "I never thought Mill auction was also coming to our family rite of passage."

Pretend as if nothing had happened glanced at Hsiao-yen, a touch of smoked children: "The Xiao and houtain City Mill auction already good relationship, she will come, what surprise? Moreover, this woman means of communication But the city recognized the powerful houtain some beauty to the son of Ben Master people, smashed in her I do not know how much money can be the end, but did not see a bubble, Xiao Yan brother if there is this thought, be careful , and Kaoru children can not borrow money you shop and go to these things. "

Wen Yan, Xiao-yan Samsam smile, smile: "I even have this idea that people have to think highly of my kid actor, and she can be big my seven-year-old."

"Some women do not like the mouth of it?" Smoked red mouth of a child pick, nearest approach road.

Dry cough loudly, Xiao Yan had to retreat, his eyes and then not move the piece of the circle.

"Hey, how did she come back?" Saw Xiao Yan retreat, give up the crusade against child smoked, a little silence, suddenly scared Hey Road.

"Who?" Lengle Leng, Xiaoyan Shun looked with the eyes of children smoked, brow, but it is slowly wrinkled up.

They look in the eyes of the Department, an Institute of wearing a dress appears to be leaning against a tree is beautiful, beautiful waist with a sword, she is quite tall, the most striking, or pair of slender legs and round, this pair of sexy long legs, even touching it enchanting Ya-Fei have never met.

"Xiao Yu?" Eyes stared at the tall, beautiful, Xiao Yan frown and said: "She is not to Canaan Institute study that? How come back?"

Kaoru shrugged lovely children, suddenly light Pianguo Tou, joking: "The Xiao Yan brother, you're going, it seems that in trouble."

Mouth of a crack, Xiao Yan rubbed some sore of the forehead, whispered curse: "This is an unruly woman, sick of people, and by, when nothing but the mountain she accidentally broke into a hot spring bath, and then inadvertently She touched the thigh, the result was this crazy woman went so far as to kill half a year. "

"Oh, a girl's body, how can people casually touch." Heard this, children Yanzui smiles tenderly smoked, I suddenly remembered that when I was young the body touched by this guy over and over, charming little face, the reigning Pan-last layer of attractive crimson light.

Xiao Yan Pielepiezui, sneered: "This woman is pro-Xiao Ning sister, not a good thing, that bastard so hostile to me, but also her great cause."

Distance, Xiao Yu seems to be aware of, turned his head, looked at the large trees Hsiao-yen, slightly surprised a moment, immediately frowned on, Meimou passing touch of disdain and disgust.

I hesitated a moment, Xiao Yu Midon attractive sexy pair of legs, facing the side of Xiao-yan line.

Looked at her the way, Xiao Yan Yizhou same brow, forehead is also some disgust and impatience.

"Oh, Xiao Yan, did not think you still have time to turn around, really amazing." Walked past, looked to Xiao Yan face on the cover too lazy to even do that kind of impatience, Xiao Yu sneered.

"None of your business."

Xiao Yanming Xiao Yu was very not on a cold, indifferent usual, is completely abandoned at this time, the opening is a foul language.

"Your mouth is so tricky, it seems that three years of misfortune, still did not rub off you and your spirit." Overlooking Xiao Xiao Yan Yu, disdain of the road, just like a condescending tone of voice lessons.

"Also this is the tone ..." my heart is extremely disgusted sigh, Xiao-yan micro tilted her head, looked a bit thin this year, no woman, and then transfer to that of the sexy eyes slowly round the legs, touched his nose, faint: "Your legs, or so long, just do not know since the year after, there are no other men come across?"

Wen Yan, Xiao Yu in the sneer, his face suddenly ashen

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