Friday, April 8, 2011

Strengthen the "suck palm"

Lying in the tub, the body fluid intrusion into the spirit of the cold, Xiao Yan indulge in some of the power of the body's sense of feeling full, in accordance with the extraordinary breakthrough model, usually in the seventh paragraph of reach for some time after the temperature support of, and help solve the problem with fluid build Killing Hsiao-yen, but it is to skip this period, reached the filling stage.

Sit in the tub in a while, was pleased to be the mood began to calm down, Xiao Yan This slow stood up, naked body stained TANSEI drops of water, the reflection in the sun, showing off the splendor.

A lazy lazy stretch waist, the body's bones, like a rebirth in general, thunder sounded crisp crackling voice.

Arbitrary twisted turned, Xiao-yan on the couch right in front of a stroke, the suction jet out, suddenly the clothes being involved in the palm.

"Yes, indeed plenty of fighting a lot of gas, with now create the suction, should be able to move a person's weight tweezers, right?" Put on clothes, Xiao Wei Zhou Yan brow, muttered: "Unfortunately, this "suck palm" does not seem to much offensive power, the kind of so-called rivals the blood taken by force can only deal with lower level than their own people, on the same grade or high-level opponent, but it is a bit beyond the reach of the ... "

Thought it would, Xiao Yan some regret with a sigh, which can be regarded as the first of his fighting skills ah.

Sip a Minzui, Xiaoyan Gang want to take the tub, a move unexpected heart.

Exudes a little vague eye pupil light, Xiao Yan curly right palm slowly, his eyes fixed on her hands tightly, after a moment, from the palm of your hand across the Banchi, pointed at a vase.

Licked his lips, Xiao-yan of the gas inside the bucket did not experience any particular context, so benumbed to erupt from the palm of your hand out ...

Putting a grudge, at least a large bucket division level, can barely do so, Hsiao-yen's current move, in addition to create sort of a small burst of light wind, the other has not the slightest effect.

Breeze emitted from the palm of your hand, the vase blew violently shaking a few times, almost dropped under the table is ...

Not putting a grudge, Xiao-Yan not only not disappointed, but a look of joy, and some exciting twist of the hand-wringing, a few meters back quickly, right palm again aligned vase.

"Suck palm!" Soon light drink, powerful suction immediately flew quickly touch on the vase Xiao Yan.

Vases will arrive in front of three feet when Xiao Yan, Xiao-yan of hand suction suddenly a close, the body fight all the gas emitted from the palm Department, suddenly, a strong wind, blowing fiercely that in the rapidly on the vase flying.


Opposite direction the two share power in the air meet, and meet the center as a vase, but it is thunder, into small fragments, Pushe.

Looked at his palm, the effect of this, Xiao Yan little face, full of surprises, suction and counter-thrust to the touch, caused by the destructive power far beyond his expectation.

Although the body of the gas filling the bucket in the previous anti-thrust in the manufacturing has been depleted, but Xiao Yan was very excited, kind of counter-thrust, he only used the pump power at the lowest level of play out of the way, this approach not only consuming the most, and the results obtained is pitifully small, and if he can have a similar suction aspiration to play a special charge of this anti-thrust fighting skills, then another two match, he was sure, the results obtained will be very aggressive!

"Little man, well ... actually can think 用这招 to strengthen the" suck palm "." Finger ring light shimmering, medicine and old wanders out of the room looking at the debris, nodded slightly, like channel.

Xiao Yan Hey smile, his eyeballs in the drug's turning old who grunt, please look for meaning.

"If there is a special play to push the forces of anti-fighting skills, and then refined to the point reached a pinnacle, then you suck this mysterious palm-order low-level, in the attack on, I'm afraid you can order comparable to intermediate or advanced mysterious fighting skills of the ... "seems to not see Hsiao-yen's face, medicine, said the old self-serving.

"Teacher, you know, this fighting skills similar to the rare secondary, I can get this smoke palm, or relying on luck, now you got me where to find a match with the absorption of the secondary charge of fighting skills ah?" Xiao-yan take along his head, seems to some helpless Road.

"Do not make your innocent look askew, do not you just want targeting Well from me." Bai Xiao Yan a, medicine and old curl one's lip.

"You is not no one thought before the thought can be both fighting skills are similar to the ribs supporting fighting skills, is difficult to find, so few people really put together back off."

"The teacher does not?" Wen Yan, Xiao-Yan little face suddenly pulled down, grouchy, no special skills to play a counter-thrust of the fighting, alone its muster with a grudge, is undoubtedly the kind of worth the move.

Xiao Yan depressed looking at the appearance of drug funny old shook his head, fingers rubbing his forehead, muses: "Some people asked me to mixing drugs, I seem to receive any such fighting skills, either at the hands of exactly one idle immortality, and the man I would not trade this for too long, but for today is you remind me, I am afraid that really engage forgotten. "

"Okay ... found it." Fingers away his forehead, and then in the eyes of Xiao Yan ecstatic, tap the top of his forehead.

Point in the forehead was, Xiao-yan head slightly one up, poured a lot of information which, after a good long while before an increasingly clear over.

"Chuihuo palm: Hyun-order low-level, you can create a strong wind!"

Simple instructions, and old-fashioned name, so that was the mysterious words is extremely low order shabby.

"This thing is the founder of a blacksmith, playing a lifetime of iron, because the needs of the fire, the result somehow created this Chuihuo fighting skills ..." looking at the little face some stiff Xiao Yan, medicine and old laughed joking .

Rolled eyed, Xiao Yan admire some of the capability that a blacksmith, while the iron is not fighting skills to create embryos that easy.

Chuihuo palm is not difficult to learn, pointing at the old drugs, Xiao-yan took two hours, is an initial grasp of where their know-how.

Standing cubicles, Xiao Yan eager only looking at the vase room, took a deep breath, hand roll, suction wild: "suck palm!"

Down the fury of the suction, directly in front of Xiao Yan vase darting away.

Eyes firmly fixed on a flying vase, Xiao Yan removed quickly sucked right palm, and then the body of the bucket of gas, palm down Chuihuo the context of operation.

"Chuihuo palm!"

Just about to hit on the head on the vase, the tyrannical pressure, Meng Xiao-yan from the palm swept out in the wild, suddenly, the room, filled with dust.


Is crisp muffled sound, the vase, even directly by the two opposing forces, bombers into the sky very fine.

"Well ..."

Sprang white powder dust covered area, looking at the results obtained, Xiao Yan eyes light, as long as they can convert the two kinds of fighting skills have reached a pinnacle, it is definitely enough to make people suffer a great deal of any lack of preparation.

White chip shot to the body, Xiao Yan heart know that in the last three months, his addition of a training mission out.

After March, it is his rite of passage of the ...

"Hey, maybe a lot of people are looking forward to continue to make a fool I am, right?" Messy house among young sneer quietly.

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