Saturday, April 16, 2011


Listening to children smoked remark, Xiao Mei Yi Zheng, immediately embarrassed, if the other girls in the family, so to speak, she Daohai to beauty and talent on its own account for some of the words on the upper hand, can be replaced if the opponent is a child, then smoked She was only full of setbacks.

It looked indifferent face Xiao Yan, Xiao Mei heart sound self-deprecating smile, only Samsam leave.

Training ground in the crowd, staring at the intimacy that was hanging smoked Xiao Yan children, are some jealous heart can not help, as the most dazzling pearl in the family, children who smoked ever seen a man so treated?

Xiao Mei was left looking at the back of embarrassing, Xiao Yan stunned and feel a sense of delicate arm, Pianguo Tou, looking at his face smiling children smoked, are not some funny joke: "The Nizi, what are you doing what? "

Kaoru children still holding the arm of Xiao Yan, Autumn wavefront around this intimate act that because of her sluggish flow of people in the sweep, immediately seems innocent and said: "Xiao Yan brother do not want to reject her?"

Wen Yan, Xiao Yan rolled eyed, both from the mouth of a refusal, but it is a totally different meaning, recall the previous sense of Xiao Mei's face embarrassment, he reluctantly shook his head, glanced at the Qiao Xiao oblique Yan Xi children smoked, my heart whispered: Zhe Nizi should be deliberate, right?

"Kaoru children just do not like the speed of her face, Oh, go to church to learn fighting skills fighting technologies, this invitation may have never had before." Xiao Yan Xun children took off slowly walked toward the training not care about those around the eyes, uphold the softly, his voice has a faint sneer, she Xiao Mei differences before and after this attitude, it is somewhat cold.

Slightly shrugged his shoulders, Xiao Yan is some empathy nodded his head, smile soon as three years ago, the relationship between he and Xiao Mei is not too bad, up to the waste from its own branded name of the first before he really see This woman's real level.

Looked at the training ground row intimacy Xiao-yan and Kaoru children, Xiao Ning distant face of a pumping hard, fist clenched, creaked sound, my heart's jealousy, and even get some of his eyes red.

"Little bastard, a month later, I want you to Mandezhaoya!" Xiao Ning teeth, hunting channel, and then with a stomach furious, angry and left the training ground.

High platform is ready to return to Hsiao war, and it was this scene of the earthquake startled, eyes firmly fixed on the two intimate stature, a little surprised, the eyes of the passing touch of vague fears: "Yan children the child, not Kaoru will ... not like children, right? to know her identity ... is not comparable ah Nalan sweet, even with the practice of terror talent behind forces may want her identity, it is not an easy task ah . "

Silent for a moment, Xiao war light sigh and shook his head slowly leave.

... ...

Accompanied by young arms, walking between the elbow always soft and gentle touch to some things, wonderful sense of touch, so that was the hearts of some unscrupulous person had distracted.

Once again turned to a drive, and Kaoru children suddenly let go of the little face blushing Hsiao-yen's arm, cheek slightly flared, Jiao Chen's staring at him.

Lost a wonderful sense of soft touch, Xiao-yan mind a blank, and some saw it in the sigh of relief, a pair of eyes is almost out of control girl who moved to the side of the shift, and that in the light green shirt on the cover under quite a bit Alice's small breasts, though Sentimental, can already begun to take shape, do not have a blue astringent fruit of temptation.

Xiao Yan was inadvertently feel slightly fiery eye, smoked children elegant little face suddenly flushed and replaced by the small number of hand reflex elevation, shame Chen Dao: "Xiao Yan brother, you ..."

"Cough ... cough ..." children of the Chen Sheng was awakened smoked, Xiao Yan hacking cough twice, the nerve some redness, Samsam smile, secret heart screams: "What a Niexu ah, even their own sister feel? "

Although the children smoked essentially no blood and Xiao-yan, but the two have lived together, after all, more than a decade, the kind of emotion, how much better than pro-poor brothers and sisters, and now even eat their own name, Xiao Yan's sister, tofu, No wonder he will feel a little guilty ...

This episode was suddenly disrupted the atmosphere between the two, for a time, silent and charming atmosphere.

Children smoked little face crimson head down, elegant sense of the past, has been forbidden to be touched shy girl disappeared clean, eyes flashing occasionally cast a glance, it is seen that looked straight ahead and face Xiao Yan.

In this strange atmosphere, the one and not too long trail, but he just like the Long March in general, always come to the stage end.

Of course, the Long March and then a long, but also end the split in the trail when the time came, Xiao Yan played in Samsam say hello, and then want to fled.

"Xiao Yan brother."

Channeling looked embarrassed and Xiao Yan, Kaoru children slightly stunned, immediately Puchi laugh, whispered.

"Uh?" Footsteps paused, Xiao-Yan Qiao Shengsheng stand back and look that girls under the willows, the already restless heart, but also jump jump.

Girl a light green, green willows in the background, the more elegant and moving, wind blowing, blowing down the waist girls black hair, a purple belt she above the waistline, led by around a graceful posture.

"Tomorrow ... Kaoru children accompany you?"

Under the willow, girls slightly delicate little face glowing crimson, white teeth nibble with attractive lips, a pair of beautiful youthful eye, is looking forward with a graceful charm and a strange, looking not far Xiao Yan.

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